About Me *Crowd cheers of excitement*
It’s nice to meet you, everyone on the internet. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Johnny, I’m a dude in his thirties (at the time of writing this. Hi future me rereading this. Remember when you were thirty? Wild huh?) still loving to learn new things. I’m a father of a 5yr old little girl. She’s too smart for me and I do my foremost to be the best father I can be for her. I have an amazing, beautiful, and intelligent wife who is easily the best thing to ever come into my life. I’m lucky enough to say we’ve been married for just about 3yrs now and are on a steady course towards forever.
Right now I’m only about 10 weeks away from graduating from LBCC with my associates. I’ll be the first Media in my family to obtain a college degree, which I’m extremely proud to say. I don’t take it lightly and share with anyone who listens how I feel about starting college whenever the moment is “right” for you. It’s never too late to follow your passions in life. After this, I’m off to WOU (maybe PSU if I don’t have to commute) and on to a bachelor’s degree.
I’m writing this for my Feature Writing course at LBCC so this next part is all about “why” I wanted to take this class in the first place. That’s a really complicated question if I’m being honest. I’ll do my best though to make it less complicated. I’ll break it down into two simple reasons. The first and most important; I’ve recently really started to fall in love with writing and telling stories through text. There is just something so fulfilling about sitting down and getting my thoughts out on my keyboard and looking up to see a coherent story that also happens to be slightly (or more than slightly) interesting or entertaining. The second reason I decided to throw myself into the deep end of the proverbial writing pool was that lately, I’ve noticed a ton of typoes and mistakes on sites like ESPN and other high profile news organizations and thought “how does that happen?”. Rather than speculate how these writers put together a story, why not learn a bit about the process. Also, while learning more about it, I’ll learn more if this is an outlet or avenue that I enjoy or want to pursue more in the future. Without going on too much about it, I’d say this sums up pretty well why I chose to jump into this course.
Finally, in this inaugural blog post, I’ll lay out three goals I hope to achieve while taking this course. The first would just be to get a better understand of what the process is to feature writing. The second would be improving my ability to write for different audiences. My third and final goal is to become more comfortable with writing in this format in general. It’s something I’ve never done so it should be fun to experiment and learn.
I’m really excited to start this new writing journey and see where it takes me. I’m already here writing a blog which is something I definitely never thought I’d be doing! Here’s to new things and the excitement that comes with change! If you stuck with me through this entire blog, bravo, that couldn’t have been easy, but I thank you for your time. Hopefully, you’ll swing by for the next one too. Oh, and maybe next time you can bring a friend along for the read as well.
Thanks so much!
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