New Year, New School, New Major, Same Rube

New Year, New School, New Major, Same Rube Hello loyal five of you that read (or at least open) this blog. It's been a wild summer to say the very least. In the span of about three months, we've relocated some 68.8 miles (I'd round up but this is a family blog), I left my amazing job at Linn Benton Community College, in which I helped incoming and existing students navigate the perils of college life, and took my skills to the University of Oregon. As I mentioned in previous blogs, I truly fell in love with writing (as attested by the fact that I'm writing this on a Sunday night after homework and instead of watching football or playing video games), so much so that my new major and career path is Journalism. What better school to get a journalism degree than the best journalism school in the nation? So in early June, I applied at the direction of a faculty member at UO. After what felt like enough time for the newest Game Of Thrones book to be released but what was act...